Teller Report

A resident of the Urals was deprived of rights for a violation committed by his full namesake with the same date of birth

8/27/2019, 6:59:03 PM

Dmitry Smirnov, a resident of the city of Karpinsk, Sverdlovsk Region, was deprived of his driver’s license two years ago for drunk driving. Moreover, the violation in the city of Kungur was committed by the full namesake Smirnov, who was also born in the Sverdlovsk region on the same day as him. The offender did not have a driver’s license, and the police, when compiling the protocol, made a request on the base and entered the number of Smirnov’s rights from Karpinsk in the document. The latter, accidentally learning about the deprivation, was forced to sell a car in order to pay for lawyers. So far, he has been able to prove his innocence only to bailiffs.
