Teller Report

A new vocational category will support students in Halmstad

8/27/2019, 7:17:21 PM

In the tracks of the teacher shortage, the municipality of Halmstad is testing new ways and hiring a new professional group to support the students and relieve the teachers.

Existing teachers find it difficult to catch up on all tasks and new ones are hardly available. In order to advise the cure, the municipality of Halmstad creates a new professional group. The student coordinator should support the students and give the teachers opportunities to focus on the teaching.

- The student coordinator should take care of the student social. Maintain contacts with guardians, teachers, student health and other authorities, contribute to student motivation, manage conflicts outside the classroom. Tasks that are currently part of the teaching profession but which the coordinator can do.

Should motivate students

The project is in its infancy and the tasks for the job role are not set in detail. The three coordinators hired will help shape the work.

Among other things, it will be about the students' safety, motivation to plug and develop themselves, promote their presence but also different types of preventive work.

Want to increase the investment

The coordinators have just taken a seat at Brunnsåkersskolan, which is the first in the municipality. Each of them is responsible for each of the school's grades 7-9. An academic degree in, for example, pedagogy or behavioral science was a requirement.

The investment is funded by government grants and Almén emphasizes that no other schools have lost any resources.

- Principals at other schools have also shown interest. We are testing this this school year but the hope is that we will be able to continue and expand to other schools.