Teller Report

Republican Joe Walsh announces his candidacy against Donald Trump

8/25/2019, 5:20:01 PM

Conservative broadcaster Joe Walsh announced his candidacy for the 2020 Republican primary on Sunday, thus becoming the second man of that party that defies D

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Conservative broadcaster Joe Walsh announced his candidacy for the 2020 Republican primaries on Sunday, becoming the second man of that party that challenges Donald Trump in his plans to revalidate his term in next year's presidential elections and stay another four years more in the White House.

"I'm going to run for president and I do it because [Trum] is not qualified [to continue governing]. Someone must step forward and there must be an alternative," Walsh announced this Sunday during an interview with George Stephanopoulos, one of the star presenters of the ABC channel.

When the host of the program "The Week" reminded him of the high approval rating that the New York tycoon has within the party, Walsh attacked the president mercilessly . "The country is fed up with the tantrums of this man, he behaves like a child," the controversial radio announcer launched.

Through his social networks, Walsh said he will seek the Republican candidacy because the country cannot stand another four years with President Trump. "It is not going to be easy, courage has never been easy. But together we can achieve it. Join and show the world that we are ready to be brave," he said on his Twitter account this Sunday.

Known for his incendiary statements against Muslims or immigrants , Walsh was a congressman for the Tea Party and for years was a strong supporter of Trump. "I helped create it and just for that I apologize," he said Friday in his networks. "He is dishonest, cruel, ignorant, indecent, narcissistic, disloyal, antipatriotic and cowardly," he added.

The president, who has been on the other side of the Atlantic since Saturday participating in the G7 Summit, has not yet ruled on Walsh's aspirations. But his campaign's communications director, Tim Murtaugh, responded to the ABC channel interview, disregarding his intentions with a simple "whatever."

For her part, the president of the Republican National Committee, Donna McDaniel, simply recalled that Trump enjoys "unprecedented support" within the party because he has obtained "incredible achievements" for the country. "Republicans are on his side and any attempt to challenge him in the primary is destined to be a failure," he warned.

With more than twenty candidate Democrats, Walsh's announcement is a breath of fresh air in the fight for the Republican nomination, as until now there was only one man willing to challenge Trump, former Massachusetts governor Bill Weld , although his campaign for the primaries was practically forgotten after launching it last April.

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