Teller Report

Presidential candidates of Abkhazia come with a small gap

8/25/2019, 9:37:55 PM

The current president of Abkhazia, Raul Khadjimba, adviser to the minister Oleg Arshba and opposition leader Alkhas Kvitsiniya are almost on a par with the first data from the Abkhaz presidential election from the headquarters of Kvitsinia.

After counting about 50 thousand votes, Khajimba leads with 26.5%, RIA Novosti reports with reference to the scoreboard installed at the headquarters of Kvitsinia.

Oleg Arshba is gaining 25.2%, Alkhas Kvitsiniya - 24.2%.

The presidential elections in Abkhazia were held on Sunday, August 25, in total nine candidates took part in them.

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