Teller Report

Swedish tourists in Greek Samos are evacuated

8/24/2019, 6:17:17 PM

A fire has broken out at the tourist resort of Pythagorian on the island of Samos in Greece. The travel company Apollo has evacuated three Swedish hotels in the village.

The forest fire has broken in the mountains and is moving towards other parts of the island. 33 Swedish guests from the travel company Apollo have been evacuated.

"The guests are in town and are met by our staff," says Clara Larsson, press officer at Apollo.

The extent of the fire is currently unclear and according to Clara Larsson, the recommendations of the local authorities are being followed.

- We are following the trend, and see if the guests can return to their hotels during the evening. In that case, they can be assigned to other hotels, ”she says.

The text is updated.