Teller Report

Kittel puts up with a difficult cure: "Let me check that I do not get a headache"

8/24/2019, 10:58:55 AM

Today, the European Championship is decided in Rotterdam. Sweden has three riders in the competition, Therese Nilshagen, Juliette Ramel and Patrik Kittel. - I have not ridden a lot of couriers on her and this is new music. It feels very fun, the sun is shining in Rotterdam, it should be fun, Kittel tells SVT Sport.

Sweden started the competitions in Rotterdam with a bronze in the team competition. Thereafter, Patrik Kittel became the best Swedish in the Grand Prix Special with a eleventh place. Today, the noblest individual medals will be awarded.

How's your cure?

- Very difficult, it has difficulty 10. Very curvy, it is both piaff and passage - I have to check that I do not get swirled in my head and stay on the lines.

What is it like to ride such a program that you have not ridden so many times?

- It's always a little nervous, I don't have ice cream like Isabell (Werth) who just goes in and controls. I have a little tummy in my stomach. But I've done it so many times so when you're in the track it's just driving.