Teller Report

Coleman rejects the doping charges: "Not true"

8/24/2019, 9:01:55 PM

According to the British newspaper Daily Mail, this year's 100-meter world set, Christian Coleman, has failed to report where he has been for three doping tests and risks being shut down. According to him, this is incorrect information. - It's not true. I'm not a guy who takes supplements at all, so I'm never worried about taking a doping test, says Christian Coleman in a statement according to Reuters.

It broke down like a bomb two days ago when the Daily Mail reported that the American world hundred-meter Christian Coleman risked being shut down after three times, according to the newspaper, failed to tell him where he had been for three doping tests.

He did not speak then - but he did it tonight.

- What has been reported around my reports about where I found myself is not true, says this year's World Series. I am sure that the upcoming hearing will clarify how the matter is and I will attend the World Cup in Doha.

- I'm not a guy who takes supplements at all, so I'm never worried about taking a doping test. Sometime after the interview, I will be able to answer questions but from now on I have to respect the process.