Teller Report

Good guys: child "innocence"

8/23/2019, 12:16:59 AM

There is only something more unreal than the existence of unicorns and it is the almost unanimous claim that childhood is the age of innocence. Not at all: within its capabilities and l

Movie theater

Good guys


  • Genre: Comedy

There is only something more unreal than the existence of unicorns and it is the almost unanimous claim that childhood is the age of innocence. Not at all: within their abilities and the limitations of age, children are like any human being, capable of anything in order to achieve their goals. Thus, the three protagonists of this film, at twelve, do not hesitate to steal, extort, blackmail, traffic with drugs and raise false testimonies to get their way , which is none other than participating in a party of the dying.

A transgressive, provocative and politically very incorrect film. and very funny

As you can guess from his argument, it is a transgressive film, provocative and politically very incorrect, with jokes very raised tone and no subtle punches against some of those social movements so in vogue today. But, above all, it is a very funny film, with a very agile rhythm and an unappealable casting, in which Jacob Tremblay (the boy from the room) and a Molly Gordon (The Crane in Super Nerds) stand out that goes for big star.

+ The crazy uses that the protagonists give to the sex toys of the parents of one of them.- Some and some will be offended by the intelligent and very accurate jokes about sexual harassment.

According to the criteria of

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