Teller Report

For financial corruption .. Tunisian authorities stop presidential candidate Nabil Karoui

8/23/2019, 7:50:00 PM

Tunisian judicial authorities have decided to arrest presidential candidate Nabil Karoui and his brother on charges of financial corruption and tax evasion.

The German news agency DPA quoted a source from the presidential campaign of the villager as saying that the villager and his brother Ghazi al-Qarawi, who run companies in the media and communications sector, were stopped on the road to the city of "Majaz al-Bab", about 50 km from the capital.

The villager was on his way back to the capital after he was in the city of Beja and then in the metaphor Bab to meet with the people before the start of the presidential campaign on September 2 next.

Describing the private channel "Nessma" owned by the villager as "he was the case of kidnapping and is up to now disappeared."

But local media pointed out that the villager and his brother were arrested in a lawsuit filed by the anti-corruption activist "I am attentive" against them on charges of involvement in money laundering and tax evasion.

The association reported on its official Facebook page that the judiciary issued two deposit cards against the two brothers, "after four years of mutilation and defamation of symptoms."

In a previous interview with Deutsche Presse-Agentur, Nabil Karoui described the lawsuit as a "political issue of distinction."

"Taxes are always used by the authorities," Karoui said. "I went to the judiciary and there are settlements that happen every day. I don't think a presidential candidate will try to represent Tunisia before the world and a lot of unrest."

He explained that his companies "have problems with taxes but they are not interested in running for the presidency, for me I am Nabil Karoui as a person I do not owe the state even a single dinar."

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