Teller Report

What should you eat on airplanes (and before boarding) to have a good flight

8/22/2019, 2:50:40 PM

Swelling of legs, pulls, tendonitis, dehydration ... The negative effects of a flight (especially if it is long) can be many if one does not remedy. If I also fed her

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Swelling of legs, pulls, tendonitis, dehydration ... The negative effects of a flight (especially if it is long) can be many if one does not remedy. If in addition the food does not accompany, we can reach the destination quite damaged. To avoid this, we compile the nutritional guidelines of the nutritionist and dietitian Vanessa Aguirre, of Zúa Food, on the occasion of the opening of the Mamá Campo restaurant, specialized in certified organic products and sustainable materials, in Terminal 4 of the Alfonso Suárez airport Madrid-Barajas.

1. Avoid copious meals and opt for unique dishes or portions . Digestion is one of the biological functions that is most disturbed when we fly, causing discomfort such as heaviness, swelling, acidity, reflux, nausea or even constipation, among others. Therefore, it is recommended to take small meals (as rations) or opt for a single dish that is nutritious but light.

2. Flee from greasy dishes such as fried, battered, fatty sausages, industrial pastries ... And should be done both in the previous hours and during the flight. Fats slow down the digestion process, increasing the symptoms of indigestion. We must opt ​​for "clean" preparations such as steaming, marinades or pickles or baked dishes that reduce fat intake, as well as dishes that include plant-based fats (seeds and nuts) that on the other hand, are rich in omega 3 with anticoagulant effect.

Juices and smoothies are a good option to ingest on a flight.

3. Avoid flatulent foods (legumes, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli or even lettuce). Spending long hours sitting favors the appearance of gases during digestion. The difference in cabin pressure also influences the retained intestinal gas, causing further expansion and with it, a greater feeling of bloating and abdominal discomfort.

4. Do not drink exciting drinks (coffee, tea or caffeinated drinks) that make it difficult to rest during the flight. Better to ingest infusions that, in addition to hydrating us, can facilitate digestion (such as anise infusions or pennyroyal), avoid nausea or tides (such as ginger infusion) or even favor rest during the flight (such as lime or chamomile ) for its relaxing effect.

5. Eat fruits, vegetables, seeds and whole grains rich in fiber. Intestinal transit is the digestive function most sensitive to changes in schedules, locations or routines. This fact is also aggravated by the lack of physical activity of the flight when spending long hours sitting or with reduced mobility. An adequate intake of fiber through food of plant origin, will ensure proper intestinal transit.

6. Include foods rich in magnesium such as sesame seeds, chia, poppy, or nuts . Magnesium favors rest, reduces stress and prevents muscle tension typical of long-distance flights. Remember also that magnesium contributes to the proper functioning of the nervous system as well as to combat the effects of jet lag.

Salads from the Mamá Campo organic restaurant on T4 in Madrid.

7. Hydrate well . Water not only prevents us from acidity or reflux during the digestion of meals, but it will also favor intestinal transit. The environment inside the cabin is very dry, so proper hydration also reduces the risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) as well as the possible effects of jet lag . Although water is the most immediate source of hydration, there are others such as fruits and vegetables, more constant and prolonged. Another option to maintain optimal levels of hydration would be infusions of rooibos or berries, fruit juices or coconut water.

8. Discard alcohol , which favors dehydration. It also increases the risk of DVT and interferes with the quality of rest.

9. Do not drink carbonated drinks, as they cause swelling and discomfort. In addition, they favor dehydration and cause, along with lack of mobility, muscle cramps.

10. Avoid excessively sweetened and / or processed desserts. The presence of sugar causes a rapid increase in blood glucose levels and in some cases, subsequently, a rapid decrease. These abrupt changes in blood glucose can cause changes in our mood such as nervousness, irritability, anxiety or even fatigue. Options such as fruit or yogurt, not only prevent us from this effect, but will also favor our intestinal transit during the flight.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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