Teller Report

Washington confirms death of Hamza bin Laden, heir to Al Qaeda

8/22/2019, 8:26:17 PM

The Pentagon said on Wednesday that Hamza bin Laden, one of the terrorist leader's sons, who is considered to be one of al-Qaeda's heirs, was dead. Without, however, giving details of the operation in which he was killed.

Hamza bin Laden, one of Osama Bin Laden's sons, who has been touted as al-Qaida's heir, is dead, according to US Defense Minister Mark Esper.

Asked about the death of Hamza Ben-Laden during an interview with the American Fox channel broadcast Wednesday, August 21, Mark Esper confirmed an information reported in July in US media while refraining from giving details on the operation in which he was killed. "I do not have the details, and if I had them, I'm not sure I could share them with you," said the new Pentagon chief, who took office at the end of July. When asked if he's dead, Mark Esper says, "That's what I understand."

The US media announced in late July that Hamza Bin Laden had been killed and that the United States had contributed to the operation to eliminate it. But his death had never been publicly confirmed.

The fall of the successor

Considered as the favorite son - or even the successor - of Osama Bin Laden, the founder of the network behind the September 11 attacks, the 30-year-old was on the American blacklist of people accused of "terrorism".

Washington offered in February a reward of up to $ 1 million for any information to find it.

Hamza Bin Laden is often considered the "crown prince of jihad". Documents, including letters revealed by AFP in May 2015, show that Osama bin Laden intended to succeed him as head of the global anti-Western jihad.

Fifteen of Osama bin Laden's children, the son of his third wife, Hamza had been deposed in March of his Saudi nationality.

With AFP