Teller Report

Under-nurses in Söderköping Municipality welcome the protests

8/22/2019, 7:44:06 PM

After changing the scheduling and giving the nurses in Söderköping municipality shorter but more work sessions, several of the nurses were the ones who responded. "We had enough and sent 21 notifications to the Swedish Work Environment Authority," says Åsa Blid, undersea nurse.

Today, senior care nurses gathered around the country for a manifestation of better working conditions and wages. A protest list with 15,000 names was also submitted to Social Minister Lena Hallengren.


No manifestation was held in Östergötland, but in Söderköping municipality, where the issue has been hot for a long time, the protests are now welcomed.

- This we have almost been waiting for, that it would be this big. There are so many municipalities that are affected. It's about being overrun as a nurse, says Åsa Blid, a nurse.

Shorter but more workouts

It was in connection with the change of scheduling last autumn that a conflict started in Söderköping municipality.

The criticism has, among other things, been that some get shorter, but more, work passes and that the final schedule is presented at short notice. The staff was also not consulted when the schedule system was to be changed.

- We finally got enough and sent 21 applications to the Swedish Work Environment Authority.

Investigation should be presented

In September, the municipality will make different risk assessments at all of the reported workplaces. An independent investigation of the new scheme will also soon be presented to the politicians, which can lead to changes, such as the introduction of basic schemes.

- Today you have a schedule that is a kind of basic schedule, but there are a lot of changes in it all the time.

- With basic schedules, you should find a schedule that works for the business and looks as month-to-month as possible for those who work, says Boel Holgersson (C), chairman of the social committee in Söderköping.