Teller Report

Openness and goal setting

8/22/2019, 11:16:54 PM

The pace of work is accelerating in clubs that are racing against time to finalize their preparations for their eligibility for the season. Perhaps many of them have embarked on the preparation journey early, starting with the selection and adoption of technical equipment, and then attract the necessary elements

The pace of work is accelerating in clubs that are racing against time to finalize their preparations for their eligibility for the season. Perhaps many of them have embarked on the preparation journey early, starting from the selection and adoption of technical equipment, and then attract the necessary elements to fill the shortage and replacement after the period of dispensation and departure that affected some players. It is a routine procedure within the normal working style of teams, where these contracts may succeed or fail as usual, followed by the harvest associated with the effectiveness and success of those decisions and choices.

However, this practice remains in accordance with a narrow vision based on diligence or in response to the desire and thought of the official, without a policy based on a sound basis and a seasonal plan of action that frame the requirements and adjust needs to match the capabilities of the physical, technical and human clubs. Some may be distorted in their dreams and aspirations, but may contradict their actual reality confined to a group of varying strength and lack the element of competitiveness with others for technical and public reasons, and others, in the sense that time and fate put them in this category and not easy to change, as this requires a coup in the balance of power The centers, which are practically and technically impossible.

It is a situation in which clubs live between a struggle to rectify old mistakes and lapses and the desires and aspirations of their fans, whose ceiling demands are sometimes far from realistic and logical.However, this does not prevent teams from building and preparing their programs in advance based on priorities based on reality and data in which they determine the objectives and expected results. From the absorption of any adverse reaction as well as anticipation and anticipation of future incoming readings. The problem is that the clubs overlook the partiality of disclosure and openness with their fans and fans. Disagreements with it, not to mention that it will remove the pressure of the public, which was and is a burden and caused confusion and pitfalls of teams and dispersal.

Therefore, ignoring this aspect and not giving it importance is a cause of the clashes that occur, which requires a reconsideration of the mechanism used by including this element in the content of the media message for clubs, communication with the street sports and the public is not limited to a brief news or propaganda image as much as it is There is a goal and a goal that is communicated with clarity and transparency in order to ward off the discomfort that usually trembles the minds and strain the objects!

If the administrations endeavored to enlighten their masses and open them with a predetermined agenda and objectives, they would not have problems or differences with them.

Twitter: @Yousif_alahmed

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