Teller Report

Fishing: Spanish poachers arrested in Morbihan

8/22/2019, 7:01:53 PM

Three poachers were arrested on Tuesday in possession of 110 kilos of thumb-feet, a popular crustacean on the Spanish market.

Three poachers were arrested on Tuesday in possession of 110 kilos of thumb-feet, a popular crustacean on the Spanish market.

Three Spanish poachers were arrested Tuesday in the Morbihan with 110 kilos of inches-feet, a crustacean popular in the Spanish market, as they returned to the port, said Thursday the prefecture of Morbihan in a statement.

Heavy inch-foot traffic between France and Spain

The floor of Vannes is seized of the case. The three Spaniards "incur a fine of 22,500 euros, the confiscation of their vehicle and their boat", specifies the prefecture. In Spain, the price of the thumb-foot "can reach 200 euros / kg on the map of restaurants.For several years, a significant traffic exists between France and this country," says the prefecture.

Inch fishing is highly regulated in France. In the Morbihan, it is allowed under recreational a few days per month, from sunrise to sunset, and for a limited amount of three kilos per fisherman, said the prefecture. "State services and professionals are fully mobilized to fight against attacks on the resource," the statement said.