Teller Report

"Patriotic pop music" should get Indians to buy land in disputed Kashmir

8/22/2019, 6:38:17 PM

A new genre of music is on the rise in India - "patriotic pop". In the songs, Indians are urged to move to Kashmir, buy land there and marry the women of the area. The songs began to emerge after India decided to deprive the Indian part of Kashmir of its autonomy.

Nationalist music is not a new phenomenon in India. But after India decided in early August to deprive the Indian part of Kashmir of its autonomy, the songs have started to be about nothing but just hoisting the Indian flag in the homes.

Multiple million views

Songs with nationalist messages - and texts urging Indians to move to Kashmir, buy land there and marry area women - began appearing in social media just hours after India made the decision on Kashmir's autonomy, writes the AP news agency.

In India, about 250 million people use Youtube. It is there, and in other social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Tiktok, that these patriotic pop songs are shared most frequently. Although the videos are not often of low quality, many of them have millions of views.

Music producer: "Business is booming"

One of those who write and produce this type of music is Nitesh Singh Nirmal from the state of Bihar in northern India. Nirmal is a big supporter of India's Prime Minister Narendra Mod. In the song Dhara 370, Modi and the government are thanked for keeping their promise and repealing the laws pertaining to Kashmir's autonomy.

- I'm doing the nation a favor. People dance to these songs. Business is booming, Singh Nirmal told AP.