Teller Report

We do not have the stick of Moses .. Hamdouk takes the oath and reveals his most important priorities to solve the crises of Sudan

8/21/2019, 8:40:53 PM

The new Sudanese Prime Minister, Abdullah Hamdouk, gave a quick inventory of his most important priorities in the coming period, after he was sworn in at the presidential palace in Khartoum before the President of the Council of Sovereignty Abdel Fattah Al Burhan, and Chief Justice-designate Abbas Ali Babiker.

Sudanese Prime Minister-designate Abdullah al-Hamdouk said the priorities for the coming period were to stop the war, build sustainable peace, and work to resolve the economic crisis.

He told a news conference after taking the oath that the coming period should focus on building an economy based on production and not on aid donations, pointing out that he has become the head of government for all Sudanese.

Hamdouk outlined a set of priorities and steps in many areas, including political and economic, which his government will work in the coming period.

The political sphere
In the political field, he said that the priority will be to build a state of law and justice, and the establishment of a pluralistic democratic system in Sudan in which we respect our differences and diversity, pointing out that differences are normal in the democratic context and must search for common aspects to reach safety.

He said he would also focus on developing a moderate foreign policy that takes into account the country's top interests.

Economic field
In the economic field, he said that the goal of his government will be our goal to address the economic crisis so as not to depend on Sudan donations.

He stressed that the banking sector in Sudan is on the verge of collapse and must be restructured.
He pledged to draw up a plan to tackle inflation, availability of goods and care for productive sectors.

Sudan was the sixth largest in Africa, and should take its rightful place globally, he said, stressing that his government would develop a plan to deal with emergency challenges.

He added that there are global economic experiences that can be combined in controlling the direction of his government, which is expected to announce the formation later.

There were uncompromising issues such as addressing poverty, free education and health.

Live Press conference of the Sudanese Prime Minister-designate Abdullah Hamdouk following his swearing-in

- Al Jazeera (@AJArabic) August 21, 2019

Manage differences
Hamdouk called in a press statement at Khartoum airport to establish a pluralistic democratic system agreed upon by all Sudanese, noting that since independence, Sudan has not witnessed the consensus of political elites on the management of their differences through a comprehensive national project. The new system of government.

He also called for the need to agree on a program on how to govern Sudan, not who governs Sudan, calling on all parties to work with each other to change the situation of the country, and heading to broader horizons of development and prosperity, and expressed his happiness to return home to the decision of the people.

He pointed out that the next stage requires concerted efforts of the people of the country and unite to build a strong state, pointing out that Sudan has enormous resources that can make it a strong state leading the African continent.

The forces of change - the leader of the popular movement - recently agreed to take Hamdok as prime minister during the interim period.

Hamdouk holds a doctorate in economics from the School of Economic Studies at the University of Manchester.

Hamdouk served as Secretary-General of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) and as an economist in public sector reform and governance in Sudan.