Teller Report

Vegan: "North Korea to resume negotiations"… Prospect of early September

8/21/2019, 11:05:16 PM

A special representative from the vegan US policy toward North Korea will leave Korea today after meeting with the second Deputy Director of National Security Office, Kim Hyun-jong. Yesterday I issued a message to resume dialogue with North Korea, and I'm interested in how the North will react.


A special representative from the vegan US policy toward North Korea will leave South Korea today after meeting with the second Deputy Director of National Security Office, Kim Hyun-jong. Yesterday I issued a message to resume dialogue with North Korea, and I'm interested in how the North will react.

I'm Kim Hye-young.


After meeting with the chief nuclear negotiator of the US and North Korea yesterday, he will meet with the Unification Minister Kim Yeon-chul.

The vegan representative is expected to discuss not only the prompt resumption of negotiations with North Korean President Kim Jong-jong and negotiation strategies, but also about US-Japan security cooperation.

Vegan is expected to leave Korea after consultation with Deputy General Kim, who is likely to go directly to the United States, not China.

The vegan representative yesterday sent a message to North Korea immediately after negotiations with the chief nuclear negotiator to resume working-level negotiations.

[Steven Vegan / Special Representative for North Korea Policy: I am ready to resume working negotiations as soon as I hear from the North Korean counterpart.]

The US-Korea Combined Training, which was the cause of the recent missile launch, ended yesterday, prompting you to come to the talk table.

He also denied US media reports that he would be an ambassador to Russia and stressed his willingness to focus on North American negotiations.

We are interested in how and when the North responds to these US signals.

Officials say the North's talks are likely to move to the beginning of next month, given that there is a Supreme People's Assembly in North Korea.

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