Teller Report

Saudi tourist kidnapped in Turkey

8/21/2019, 5:29:16 PM

A Saudi woman was abducted in the Turkish city of Istanbul a few days ago, the sources said.

A Saudi woman was kidnapped in the Turkish city of Istanbul a few days ago, according to informed sources.

The sources revealed that the hijacker called «Abir» disappeared next to a hotel in Istanbul in the Asian part, where she lives and her family.

The sources stated that the woman was present in Istanbul with her husband and children for the purpose of tourism.

The sources said that according to the security surveillance cameras «a person carrying a small package sprayed its content on the face of the Saudi tourist, who lost consciousness before taking her with him until she disappeared from view».

The incident comes days after two Saudi brothers were assaulted by gunmen while they were traveling in Turkey, which resulted in one being shot and stealing their personal belongings.