Teller Report

Mattarella "notary" press: make early or risk provisional exercise

8/21/2019, 7:55:53 PM

Listening, recording and writing meticulously those numbers that make a majority strong in Parliament, but at the same time could declare the exact opposite: calling the Italians back to the polls. Sergio Mattarella takes on the role of the 'notary' and starts consultations at the Quirinale after the resignation of the premier Giuseppe Conte, aware that in front of him there are only two viable paths: a solid government or early voting. No middle ground, in short, is presented by the head of state to the presidents of the chambers, Elisabetta Alberti Casellati and Roberto Fico, and to the first parliamentary groups welcomed in his study at the Vetrata. It is the call to political and parliamentary responsibility to resonate in the Consultations under the hot sun, because it is necessary to do soon, otherwise - it is the reasoning - to increase is the risk of the provisional exercise. Referee and notary, these are the two figures that Mattarella has sewn on himself, because in both cases impartiality reigns supreme. No intent to drive or influence, let alone find themselves lined up between those who want a new government and those who want to go back to the polls. There are economic deadlines to face and also, in the immediate future, there could be emergencies to which only an executive can respond in full of his functions with unity of views and intent. For Mattarella, the objective to be achieved is that of a legislature government, which lasts until 2023, otherwise the only alternative remains the vote. The first to go up to the Quirinale are the smaller groups but that in this crisis - defined as the craziest in the world - could be decisive. The eyes are focused on the Senate, which has always been the weak link in almost all the majorities. And in a perspective of executive driving M5S and Pd, the tenant of the Colle in his notebook has already been able to write down several votes ready to join the 158 senators Giallorossi. The groups listened are all (except the component led by Maurizio Lupi in the Chamber) opposed to the advance vote defined by popular acclaim as "irresponsible". The group of the Autonomies said it was willing to support a serious project and possibly led by the same Count. A 'yes' without twists came from Leu and the Misto group of the Chamber, which would get the majority M5S-Pd from 158 to 171 without counting the senators for life. In the Chamber, instead, it would start from 341 votes. The Quirinale is an attentive observer and never loses sight of what happens in the political buildings where Matteo Salvini is very popular in his electoral campaign, feeling in part already in the opposition. However, what interests the Colle is the open negotiation between M5S and Pd. The signals that arrive in Mattarella are discordant: with an effective availability 'conditioned' of the Nazarene and with an attitude halfway between coldness and rigidity on the part of the political leader Luigi Di Maio. He will have the last word tomorrow, as the 5 Stars are the group that the president will welcome in his study at the end of the consultations. In the event that Di Maio closes any prospect of collaboration with the dems, Mattarella could already appoint a prime minister of his choice, give him a few days to form the government team and send him to the chambers to be discouraged. The dissolution of the Parliament could already be implemented in the middle of next week, as indeed it also calls it to the polls for November 3rd. On October 27th it may be difficult at this point to circle in red, even if it is not yet totally excluded. The wait, therefore, is for tomorrow, when the door of the building that was of the Popes will be crossed by the most consistent parties. In the morning the president will welcome the delegations of Giorgia Meloni (Fdi) and Silvio Berlusconi (Fi) who in separate meetings will carry the flag of the urns immediately. Between the two center-right parties there will be Nicola Zingaretti, strong of the unanimity of the dem direction, whose mandate was clear: to deal with M5S but serves discontinuity. The afternoon will be entirely dedicated to the former members of the change contract. The League with its Captain renewed its confidence in the President of the Republic, winking: "It seems to me in the first place that it is President Mattarella who excludes 'governini'".


August 21, 2019Listening, recording and writing meticulously those numbers that make a majority strong in Parliament, but at the same time could declare the exact opposite: calling the Italians back to the polls. Sergio Mattarella takes on the role of the 'notary' and starts consultations at the Quirinale after the resignation of the premier Giuseppe Conte, aware that in front of him there are only two viable paths: a solid government or early voting. No middle ground, in short, is presented by the head of state to the presidents of the chambers, Elisabetta Alberti Casellati and Roberto Fico, and to the first parliamentary groups welcomed in his study at the Vetrata.

It is the call to political and parliamentary responsibility to resonate in the Consultations under the hot sun, because it is necessary to do soon, otherwise - it is the reasoning - to increase is the risk of the provisional exercise. Referee and notary, these are the two figures that Mattarella has sewn on himself, because in both cases impartiality reigns supreme. No intent to drive or influence, let alone find themselves lined up between those who want a new government and those who want to go back to the polls. There are economic deadlines to face and also, in the immediate future, there could be emergencies to which only an executive can respond in full of his functions with unity of views and intent. For Mattarella, the objective to be achieved is that of a legislature government, which lasts until 2023, otherwise the only alternative remains the vote.

The first to go up to the Quirinale are the smaller groups but that in this crisis - defined as the craziest in the world - could be decisive. The eyes are focused on the Senate, which has always been the weak link in almost all the majorities. And in a perspective of executive driving M5S and Pd, the tenant of the Colle in his notebook has already been able to write down several votes ready to join the 158 senators Giallorossi. The groups listened are all (except the component led by Maurizio Lupi in the Chamber) opposed to the advance vote defined by popular acclaim as "irresponsible". The group of the Autonomies said it was willing to support a serious project and possibly led by the same Count. A 'yes' without twists came from Leu and the Misto group of the Chamber, which would get the majority M5S-Pd from 158 to 171 without counting the senators for life. In the Chamber, instead, it would start from 341 votes.

The Quirinale is an attentive observer and never loses sight of what happens in the political buildings where Matteo Salvini is very popular in his electoral campaign, feeling in part already in the opposition. However, what interests the Colle is the open negotiation between M5S and Pd. The signals that arrive in Mattarella are discordant: with an effective availability 'conditioned' of the Nazarene and with an attitude halfway between coldness and rigidity on the part of the political leader Luigi Di Maio. He will have the last word tomorrow, as the 5 Stars are the group that the president will welcome in his study at the end of the consultations. In the event that Di Maio closes any prospect of collaboration with the dems, Mattarella could already appoint a prime minister of his choice, give him a few days to form the government team and send him to the chambers to be discouraged. The dissolution of the Parliament could already be implemented in the middle of next week, as indeed it also calls it to the polls for November 3rd. On October 27th it may be difficult at this point to circle in red, even if it is not yet totally excluded.

The wait, therefore, is for tomorrow, when the door of the building that was of the Popes will be crossed by the most consistent parties. In the morning the president will welcome the delegations of Giorgia Meloni (Fdi) and Silvio Berlusconi (Fi) who in separate meetings will carry the flag of the urns immediately. Between the two center-right parties there will be Nicola Zingaretti, strong of the unanimity of the dem direction, whose mandate was clear: to deal with M5S but serves discontinuity. The afternoon will be entirely dedicated to the former members of the change contract. The League with its Captain renewed its confidence in the President of the Republic, winking: "It seems to me in the first place that it is President Mattarella who excludes 'governini'".