Teller Report

Forbes named the highest paid actor in the world

8/21/2019, 6:07:53 PM

American actor Dwayne Johnson became the highest paid actor according to Forbes magazine. His earnings from June 2018 to June 2019 are estimated at $ 89.4 million.

According to the publication, the actor will receive about $ 23.5 million for the film "Jumanji: A New Level." He also receives $ 700 thousand for each episode of the series “Football Players” on HBO.

In second place, according to the magazine, is actor Chris Hemsworth, who earned $ 76.4 million thanks to playing a role in the movie Avengers: Final and participating in other projects.

The third place was taken by Robert Downey Jr. with a profit of $ 66 million.

Taylor Swift previously led the list of the highest paid celebrities of 2019 according to Forbes.

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