Teller Report

Fight with the past

8/21/2019, 5:05:04 PM

“The Poles are offended by their historical loss - that’s the thing. We sat in the Kremlin during the Time of Troubles, but in the end we were caught by Moscow. So the decommunization, under the pretext of which the monuments are being destroyed, has nothing to do with it. This is historical envy and, as a result, Russophobia. When the monuments of the Soviet era are over, they will begin to destroy the traces of all Russian. In Ukraine, this process is already underway. Remember what happened to the monument to Marshal Suvorov? He was demolished. "

The Poles in their Russophobia literally broke the chain. In recent years, over 420 monuments to Soviet soldiers have been destroyed in the country. Such unpleasant statistics for Russia were brought by our ambassador in Warsaw, Sergey Andreev. However, we ourselves remember the monstrous shots of reprisals against silent monuments - construction equipment, a hooting crowd of nationalists ... All this painfully recalls the events in Ukraine.

It is against this background — the overthrow of the memory of the dead victors of fascism — that events will mark the 80th anniversary of the outbreak of World War II. The sad date - September 1 - is very close. By the way, Poland refused to invite the Russian president to them. But representatives of the EU, including Germany, and the countries of the "Eastern Partnership" were invited. Well, with Hitler all of Europe came to the Soviet Union. Remember.

The locomotive of Russophobian revenge is the Law and Justice Party. Having seized almost undivided power in the country (which even the EU is not happy about), the Polish "conservatives" with voluptuousness settle accounts with Russian heroes. Unfortunately, this course is supported by the majority of the people. According to opinion polls, 65% of Poles are negative towards Russia and only 22% are positive. There you have three tankmen and a dog ...

However, the opposition is opposing the rampant revisionism in Poland. Yes, it is weak and is more likely expressed in sabotage of the implementation of the law on decommunization, according to which by now all Soviet monuments outside military graves should have been destroyed. However, 134 of them have survived so far. Someone is doing work through their sleeves. There is also grassroots resistance at the level of municipal authority, which refuses to rename streets and other symbolic acts.

Russia is still demonstrating endurance. Officials reproach Polish destructive lawlessness, but only verbally. Moscow is unable to prevent the ongoing demolition of monuments, but it does not intend to forget the insult inflicted, our diplomats promise. The Russian Foreign Ministry is still awaiting Warsaw's recognition of the decisive role of the Red Army in the liberation of Poland.

Outraged and in the committee on international affairs of the State Duma. According to its head Leonid Slutsky, demolishing monuments to Soviet soldiers-liberators, the Poles “shoot” in their own history. It was thanks to the USSR / Russia that the current Polish Russophobia politicians became what they became, the parliamentarian recalled, promising to continue opposing Warsaw on this issue. But will it work out? The case is completely neglected and treatment is required radical.

It seems that the initiative of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on criminal liability for the demolition of monuments, including foreign ones, was made on time. Who does not want to talk with Lavrov, will talk with Shoigu - so, it seems, they are joking on the net?

The new article 243.4 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, proposed in the draft law developed by the military, will allow imprisoning foreign Russophobes for up to five years, arresting their assets in Russia, and closing their entry to our country.

So far, the bill has not been adopted, but after September 1, I am sure that it will not rust for the deputies. It is no longer possible to lower such a thing. And the justification of amendments to the law is built impeccably. Demolition of monuments "is aimed at distorting the course of historical events ... denies the decisions of the International Military Tribunal regarding the condemnation of the aggressive policy of fascism, the facts of the crimes of fascism in the occupied territories," write its developers.

Well, Russia will again learn to defend its honor. And in this noble cause it is not a sin to take an example from others. If the denial of the mass extermination of Jews, the Holocaust, is condemned in a criminal manner, then why don’t we put in vandals in Zindan that destroy the monuments to the fallen Soviet soldiers? Maybe this measure will not scare politicians with historical amnesia, but the fact of its appearance will indicate that the Russians care. We care.

Having taken the necessary protective measures, Russia should take a broader look at what is happening. Understand the example of Poland, what is happening and what it can lead to. And there is a revision by the satellite countries of their place in the world and an oath to the new owners. Exactly. Like it or not, Poland, being a rival to Russia for a long time, lost its historical battle and was included first in the Russian Empire, and then in the USSR’s orbit.

The Poles are offended by their historical loss - that’s the thing. We sat in the Kremlin during the Time of Troubles, but in the end we were caught by Moscow. So the decommunization, under the pretext of which the monuments are being destroyed, has nothing to do with it. This is historical envy and, as a result, Russophobia. When the monuments of the Soviet era are over, they will begin to destroy the traces of all Russian. In Ukraine, this process is already underway. Remember what happened to the monument to Marshal Suvorov? He was demolished.

It is interesting that the status of a satellite of a great power is so adhered to Poland that Warsaw can no longer exist independently. Having got rid of the Russians, the Poles immediately invited the Americans. They insisted on opening a military base, now they are asking to increase the contingent. “Well, yes, it's the progressive military, not like the Soviet ones,” they think there. But whom do the pans want to deceive? The very fact of the presence of foreign soldiers literally cries out about their dependence on an overseas power.

Well, in Warsaw they would be full of pride and live on their own. We would understand. Well, you are tired of the Russians, okay. Farewell. But to re-build our independence on foreign bayonets ... To paraphrase President Vladimir Putin, we can say that Poland behaves like a girl "with low social responsibility." Here in Russia, for three tankmen and a dog, we are simply ashamed.

The author’s point of view may not coincide with the position of the publisher.

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