Teller Report

Does night work increase the risk of cancer?

8/21/2019, 7:58:59 PM

A team of experts confirmed the increased risk of cancer among workers in night shifts compared to those who work during the day, how is affected by the change in the pace of work between night and day?

Previous studies have shown that the risk of breast cancer increases in women who work regularly in night shifts. But researchers based at the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) of the World Health Organization (WHO) now believe, based on the evaluation of other studies, that working at night increases the risk of cancer in men as well, according to the website "RTL" German.

In 2007, the International Agency for Research on Cancer categorized the night work as "likely carcinogenic". With several studies since then, 27 researchers have been assessing the risk of cancer in night shift workers, confirming the findings 12 years ago, according to the German website Farmsweitsche Zeitung.

In their new assessment, the researchers relied on animal experiments, as studies that have subjected humans to experiments are not conclusive enough to classify night-time work as "definitively carcinogenic".

Changing the rhythm of work between day and night contributes to the body's loss of balance, since metabolism and hormone secretion are linked to the succession of night and day. .