Teller Report

Corrupt government looking for «peg» failure!

8/21/2019, 8:05:04 PM

In the UAE, we often do not care about the statements of the Muslim Brotherhood's tails, but when this guilt represents a legitimate government that condemns the coalition for its survival and existence, it is different! Yemen's Minister of Transport, Saleh al-Jabwani, one of the repugnant faces of Islah, demanded yesterday that the UAE be exempted from CF, tell to

In the UAE, we often do not care about the statements of the brothers of the Muslim Brotherhood, but when this guilt represents a legitimate government that condemns the coalition for its existence and existence, it is different!

Yemeni Minister of Transport, Saleh al-Jabwani, one of the faces of the repugnant Islah Party, demanded yesterday that the UAE be exempted from the coalition forces, and tell him and those who are like him, but we tell Hadi and the ministers of the Yemeni government of hotels: before you go on the UAE and reveal your ugly faces Against the precious and precious who gave you your support and protection, you should not ignore the answer to important questions. First, where will this government be located? What is its fate? And where her dignity? Would its members have a tongue to blow it up if the Saudi-led coalition forces and the UAE did not intervene to deter the Iranian-backed Houthi coup ?!

Does Hadi, the legitimate president of Yemen, expect that his legitimacy today will remain the same if free elections are held again, is he expected to be chosen by the Yemeni people after everyone discovered his incompetence and weakness in the management of the state, and after everyone knew the corruption of his government and ministers, and after the Yemeni people confirmed Although his government was kidnapped by the Islah Party, which never sought Yemen's interests but narrow partisan interests, and achieved little success on the fronts of fighting with the Houthis, it sought all the time to put obstacles in front of the coalition forces and prevent them from reaching their goals. In the interest of Yemen first and foremost? This is in addition to the elements of that government are a group of climbers and corrupt and holders of interests and agendas «suspicious», all of them and the mind of Yemen and its people!

The Yemeni government discovers that, through all the stages that followed the liberation of Aden, it is always looking for an external reason (shamaa) to suspend its failure, and it is now using the name of the UAE to cover the real reasons that made it unable to solve the daily problems of Yemenis, and this deliberate export of government crisis «Hotels» abroad, an open and scandalous attempt to cover the failure at home!

What the Yemeni government is doing in the name of the UAE in a purely Yemeni case, reflects the government's policy of permanently escaping forward and shirking its responsibility in dialogue with all Yemeni components. These components exist in Yemeni society, and the UAE has not made them. Who do you want to involve in or exclude from the political process? Look here for the interests .. And you will know the answer.

The unlimited support provided by the UAE and the Saudi-led Arab coalition, which represented billions of aid, has never been available in the history of this country, but with the government's inability, weakness and distance from the Yemenis, it has not resulted in a solution to their daily problems. And his ministers, but fabrication and ingratitude and lying to the Yemeni people in the name of legitimacy, and an attempt to create a wedge between the UAE and Saudi Arabia, an attempt will be doomed to failure as usual this government!

The UAE has provided many and many, and serious in the lives of its people to defend Yemen and its people, and the sacrifices of the sons of the UAE for the liberation of Yemen does not deny it only grudging, and unfortunately this ingratitude is the act of the Yemeni government, which responded by denying Gemayel and making false and false statements, is such a government deserves all that support Is it the best and most reliable ally that we must count on to solve the Yemen crisis and build its renaissance? Isn't it better to reconsider our relationship with this government ?!

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