Teller Report

A massive fight in Puente de Vallecas ends with five detainees and a woman injured by pellets

8/21/2019, 7:28:59 PM

Agents of the National and Municipal Police of Madrid arrested five people participating in a fight on Tuesday in which they used a shotgun shotgun, whose impact

Agents of the National and Municipal Police of Madrid arrested five people participating in a fight on Tuesday in which they used a shotgun, whose impacts touched a woman, who is very slightly injured, police sources have reported.

The events happened around 20.20 hours in the Portazgo neighborhood, in the Madrid district of Puente de Vallecas. A fight between two families began in an inner courtyard, in which up to 35 people participated.

When the police came to the scene some of the participants fled in a van , but were intercepted by a police vehicle. Then, the persecuted continued on foot but three of them ended up being detained by municipal agents.

The driver is accused of a crime against road safety, serious disobedience and an attack against the authority; the second a crime of illicit possession of weapons , serious disobedience and attack; and to the third illegal possession of weapons and also attack.

In another nearby place, at the level of Pablo Neruda 102, the National Police arrested two individuals, 50 and 57, as perpetrators of a crime of attempted murder . Among the material intervened to those arrested is a 2-gauge shotgun.

On the other hand, the Samur-Civil Protection toilets attended a woman of 59 years at the height of the number 253 of the Avenida de la Albufera, who presented superficial wounds with burns on the side due to possible chafing of a bullet. She was taken to Gregorio Marañón Hospital for a review, but her injuries were very minor.

The doctors also treated a man for a possible elbow dislocation, a spokeswoman for Emergencias Madrid reported. The National Police looks for the rest of those involved in the brawl.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • National Police
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