Teller Report

Twenty years after the debut of "Matrix", Keanu Reeves returns for a fourth film

8/20/2019, 10:31:52 PM

Twenty years after the debut of "Matrix", Keanu Reeves returns for a fourth film

Los Angeles (AFP)

Twenty after his debut as the elusive Neo in the first "Matrix", the Canadian actor Keanu Reeves will resume the role of the cybernetic rebel in black glasses for a fourth installment of this universe, with Lana Wachowski again at the realization .

Keanu Reeves will find for the occasion his partner Carrie-Anne Moss, who takes over his role of Trinity, highlight Tuesday the Warner Bros. studios in a statement sent to AFP.

"We can not be happier to return to the Matrix with Lana," says Warner Bros boss Toby Emmerich.

Lana Wachowski, born Larry before making her transition in 2010, co-directed the Matrix trilogy with her brother Andrew, who became Lilly after making the transition in 2016.

"Lana is a true visionary, a creative, singular and original filmmaker, and we are delighted that she is writing, directing and producing this new chapter of the Matrix + universe," says Emmerich.

The Wachowski sisters have worked a lot together, for example on the ambitious series "Sense8", but this time Lana will be alone in charge for the fourth Matrix, whose title has not been revealed.

We also do not know how "Matrix 4", which is set to begin shooting next year, will be linked to the first three.

The trilogy ("Matrix" in 1999, "Matrix Reloaded" and "Matrix Revolutions" in 2003) has totaled more than $ 1.6 billion in cinemas around the world, reminds Warner studios.

Mixing philosophy, metaphysics and action scenes, the trilogy features a group of rebels who fight artificial intelligences that have imprisoned humans in the Matrix, a universe of virtual reality simulating the outside world.

Neo, played by Keanu Reeves, is the chosen one destined to liberate humanity, a kind of Christ figure in black long coat broken with kung fu and computer hacking.

"Many of the ideas that Lilly and I explored 20 years ago about our reality are even more relevant today, and I'm very happy that these characters are coming back in my life, and grateful for the opportunity to work with my great friends again. ", said Lana Wachowski, quoted in the statement.

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