Teller Report

SVT expert's answer: "Nothing can be worse than today"

8/20/2019, 2:52:52 PM

After a long silence, the Swedish Hockey Federation's chairman, Anders Larsson, today chose to comment on the crisis situation with the Women's Crowns. He says, among other things, that the requirements were handed over to the union only yesterday and now SVT Sport's expert, Maria Rooth, wants to see an improvement. - Nothing can be worse than how they are today. This is about the fact that future girls should not have to experience the same things that the Crowns are experiencing today, says Rooth.

43 players have chosen to refuse to participate in the five-nation tournament currently being played in Finland. A protest against, among other things, absentee compensation for lost work income but also for lack of respect from the union. A situation that Larsson describes as worrying and that a solution should be made now that concrete negotiating teams have been presented.

- My picture is that they do not speak the same language. However, I was delighted when Anders Larsson said it was about searching himself. The demands are not taken out of the air, but it is just as many feel and feel that they are being met. I think that you have closed too much and scratched, they have not put a lot of money on the Women's Crowns. If you look at the requirements, you realize that there is a lot that is missing and I think the union must look in the mirror and ask where we are and where we want.

"Going far back in time"

Maria Rooth represented Sweden for many years, especially during the glossy period around 2006, when the team took Olympic silver. She admits that the situation was the same then.

- This is not really new, but it goes far back in time. I think all female hockey players have felt this lack of support. It is a matter of both small and big decisions and now it was the drop, that you will not get the same support as last season and that you will now have to take their last money in order to make the finest there is, to play in the national team.

Despite the women's crown being degraded to the B-World Cup and not delivering any sporting success in recent times, Rooth thinks the opportunity the players chose is good.

- Many times you say that women should perform then you can bet on them. But it is difficult when you do not have the right conditions and the opportunity to do the job you want yourself. There is no better opportunity than this and in my opinion, the union is very much involved in being degraded to the B-World Cup.

"Now they have no support at all"

- The greatest responsibility lies with the union, absolutely. But it is not only the union that will solve this, but it must be done in collaboration with SICO (the players' union), SDHL and maybe even SHL. For example, there are many clubs that have no ladies 'or girls' activity. It's almost 2020 and one wonders how this could be possible, that all the money goes to men's and boys' sports.

Among other things, the Women's Crown lost support from SOK after being degraded to the B-World Cup. In addition, the agreement with the union expired in April, where players received compensation for lost work income. No new agreement has been signed.

- When I played, the situation was a little different, when we had SOK support and were able to go down in service from our regular work. Now they have no support at all as you enter the coming season.