Teller Report

Back to University: 1% Upgraded Scholarships and Frozen Registration Fees

8/20/2019, 7:34:58 PM

The 1% increase in university scholarships, of which 712,000 students benefited in 2018-2019, represents a cost of 46 million euros.

The 1% increase in university scholarships, of which 712,000 students benefited in 2018-2019, represents a cost of 46 million euros.

The scholarships "on social criteria" are revaluated by 1% and the registration fees to the university are frozen for the return, announced Tuesday the Ministry of Higher Education.

From the start of the school year, the scholarships provided by the Crous (regional centers for academic and academic works) will increase by 1.1%, or an additional 46 million euros, the ministry said in a statement. During the 2018-2019 academic year, 712,000 students were scholars.

The cost of back to university rising

In addition, the ministry announced a "freezing of the fees of inscription with the university" for this return. Thus, they will rise, like last year, for the license to 170 euros, for the master to 243 euros and for the doctorate to 380 euros. "It is the state that bears the rest of the real cost of schooling students," said the statement, while recalling that the average expenditure of the state for tuition of students amounted to 31, 4 billion euros a year.

According to the annual barometer of the student federation La Fage, the first union, the increase in the cost of the new academic year is 1.96% compared to last year due in particular to the strong increase (+ 2.73%) "running costs" (housing, food ...). For its part, UNEF - the second student union - denounced the cost of university life, ensuring that it was up 2.8% this year.