Teller Report

A declaration from the Ministry of Health regarding the tax on sweetened beverages and electronic smoking tools

8/20/2019, 2:04:58 PM

The Ministry of Health and Community Protection commended the Cabinet's decision to add sugar-sweetened beverages or other sweeteners, in addition to electronic products, devices and electronic smoking tools, to the selective tax list starting from January 2020, stressing that the decision supports the efforts of the Ministry

The Ministry of Health and Community Protection praised the Cabinet's decision to add sugar-sweetened beverages or other sweeteners, in addition to electronic products, devices and electronic smoking tools, to the selective tax list starting from January 2020, stressing that the decision supports the ministry's efforts in maintaining public health and combating communicable diseases. , Reducing rates of obesity and chronic diseases in general.

The Assistant Undersecretary of the Health Centers and Clinics Sector Dr. Hussein Abdul Rahman Al-Rand pointed out that the Cabinet decision is in the interest of community health and contributes to reducing the health risks resulting from the consumption of sweetened drinks beyond the daily need of added sugar per person, which in turn affects the calories consumed daily , And the resulting weight gain and other related diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.

Al-Rand added that the cabinet decision will also reduce the consumption of electronic smoking products containing nicotine like other tobacco products, and its negative effects on health and spending. He stated that the decision comes under the unified agreement for the selective tax of the GCC countries.

Dr. Al-Rand pointed out that the Ministry launched several health campaigns to raise awareness of the dangers of sweetened beverages and smoking products, including a campaign called "Change the habit ... stop sugar increase" in order to raise the level of awareness among members of the community of the health risks of drinking sweetened drinks. In addition to the campaign "I have a role in promoting smoking cessation", as part of the awareness campaign "Care for your health is more important" within the framework of the national initiative "Promote awareness of healthy lifestyles" aimed at encouraging community members to adopt healthy lifestyles, eat healthy food and exercise physical activity Refrain from smoking, build a healthy society by enabling individuals to adopt healthy lifestyles, and provide comprehensive health coverage to prevent and control the UAE community from communicable diseases.