Teller Report

Parents Committee appreciates the idea of ​​mobile phones in schools

8/19/2019, 9:10:57 AM

The head of the National Parents Committee, Irina Volynets, in an interview with RT, commented on the recommendations of the Ministry of Education on restricting the use of mobile phones in schools.

“I believe that not only at school, but in everyday life, the use of the phone, especially by children, leads to a deterioration in health, memory and in general the quality of life. Because children do not know the measure. Even many adults don’t know the measures, let alone the children ... Therefore, this restriction is logical and I know that all teachers and school administrations support such initiatives, ”she said.

Volynets noted that the child can use the phone during breaks or on the way to school, so as not to disrupt communication with parents.

“Because many children, including first-graders, get to school on their own and, of course, parents worry ... I would like parents to support this initiative, too, and understand that no one is encroaching on the connection between children and parents. But the fact that the child comes to school to study is an obvious fact and we need to help our children by sending them in the right direction, ”she concluded.

Earlier, the working group, which included the Ministry of Education, Rospotrebnadzor and Rosobrnadzor, recommended that the regions consider limiting the use of mobile phones in schools.