Teller Report

Afaf triumphs over breast cancer ..

8/19/2019, 10:09:47 PM

From a bad mental state, hopeless, to a seed implanted in other souls and supportive of other women with breast cancer, Afaf, who triumphed over the disease, turned after a treatment trip, and became a member of the Friends of Cancer Patients Association, to give back to those suffering from Symptoms of it

From a bad mental state, hopeless, to a seed implanted in other souls and supportive of other women with breast cancer, Afaf, who triumphed over the disease, turned after a treatment trip, and became a member of the Friends of Cancer Patients Association, to give back to those suffering from Symptoms of that disease.

Afaf, 40, explained that her story began when disturbing signs appeared on her body. She had never complained about anything and did not attach importance to the issue of periodic self-examination.

She confirmed that the signs and symptoms associated with her have affected her health, as she was tired and exhausted without realizing that she was a cancer patient, but her worsening condition led her to go to Rashid Hospital in Dubai, where she underwent tests in 2016 for cancer. Breast in the third stage.

She added that her discovery of the infection coincided with other circumstances, which increased the suffering to the point where she lost hope and entered into a state of depression, and involved herself, which led to the increase of pain and decline in health as a result of bad spirits.

Dispelling fear

"Despite the psychological state I experienced during this period, and the gloom that surrounded me, it all changed when I knocked on the doors of the Friends of Cancer Patients Association," Afaf said, noting that the visit gave her hope. That cancer is as opposed to other diseases that need treatment and follow-up. She said that «the role of the Assembly in dispelling fear and restore hope for women is a key factor in the healing».

Moral support for patients is a key factor in the treatment journey. This is confirmed by studies suggesting that the discovery of this disease is usually accompanied by psychological trauma, the intervention of the patient in a state of depression and introversion that harm the stages of treatment and delay the healing process.

“I found myself in a warm family atmosphere and a positive environment,” Afaf said after the trauma. "Their effort has created a determination to cope with the disease, to proceed with the three-month course of painful chemotherapy, and to have ongoing reviews."

She pointed out that during the journey of treatment and reached an absolute conviction that 90% of the success of treatment provided by the Association through psychological support and support, in addition to the positive atmosphere that was able to spread and strengthen among patients.


Afaf, who is now one of the Society's family, points out that the credit for improving her health and raising her awareness after financial and moral support is due to the members of the Society, and stresses that she now knows a lot about the causes and symptoms of the disease, and is aware of the need for early tests and the adoption of life behaviors Healthy in terms of food or exercise, and stay away from negative practices in all its forms.

Afaf called for girls and women to initiate periodic examinations, due to their role in the detection of breast cancer at an early stage, which facilitates the process of treatment and recovery quickly, and stresses the need to care for healthy behaviors and healthy food that contribute to the reduction of the disease.

• 2016 the year Afaf discovered her illness.