Teller Report

NY also gathers about 500 people to support Hong Kong protests | NHK News

8/17/2019, 10:46:07 PM

On the 18th in Hong Kong, a large-scale rally is scheduled to protest against the Hong Kong government and police.

A meeting to support protests in Hong Kong in NY About 500 people participated August 18:40

On the 18th in Hong Kong, a large-scale rally to protest against the Hong Kong government and the police was scheduled, and in New York, USA, people who supported these movements gathered and marched Manhattan.

In New York, a rally was held to support Hong Kong's protests, and about 500 people gathered in a park in the south of Manhattan.

The gathering was called by Hong Kong legislative supporter Takatake Takahashi and others who supported the protests, and the people gathered wearing a matching black T-shirt and called out “Freedom in Hong Kong”.

Because the gathering place was a corner of Chinatown, people who seemed to be from the mainland of China gathered the Chinese flag, etc., and there were scenes where they gazed across the street.

People who supported protests in Hong Kong then marched on a bridge over Manhattan with boards and others, and appealed for support.

According to Tsuji, this weekend, there will be a rally to support protests in 40 major cities around the world, saying, “Telling Hong Kong people that they are not alone, now in Hong Kong. It ’s important that people around the world know what ’s going on. ”

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