Teller Report

Italy turns around Landing only for minor refugees | NHK News

8/17/2019, 10:43:07 PM

As refugees aiming at Europe by boat from Africa continue, the Italian government, which was reluctant to accept, is one of the refugees that were kept on the ocean ...

Italy turns around Landing permission for minor refugees August 18th 7:37

The Italian government, which was reluctant to accept as refugees aiming at Europe by boat from Africa, announced that it would allow landing only for minors among the refugees held offshore. On the other hand, the destinations for hundreds of people are still undecided, and international NGOs are seeking acceptance from neighboring countries.

Refugees and immigrants aiming for Europe from Africa due to poverty and civil wars, according to UN agencies, have been killed or missing, such as about 600 people have already been lost in the Mediterranean. .

In an attempt to improve this situation, an international NGO launched a rescue last month, and a rescue ship carrying 134 refugees requested permission to enter Lampedusa in southern Italy. At that time, Salvini, who is in charge of the refugee problem, opposed acceptance, and the refugees remained on the ocean.

Under such circumstances, Prime Minister Conte raised the voice that minors should be allowed to land, and the Italian government allowed only 27 minors to land on the 17th.

On the other hand, more than 400 people, including more than 100 adults who were on this ship, are still in the Mediterranean without knowing where to go. It is.