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“He deliberately beat his elbow in the nose”: the RFU called for disqualification of Miladinovich and Meshkov for the episode with Chalov

8/13/2019, 6:31:10 PM

Sochi defender Ivan Miladinovich should be disqualified for three matches for a blow that led to a fracture in the nose of CSKA striker Fyodor Chalov. This was stated by RT member of the ethics committee of the RFU Andrei Sozin. He also called for punishing the main referee of the meeting, Vladimir Meshkov, who left the dangerous moment unattended. The former referees Vladimir Levitin and Vyacheslav Varyushin are sure that the offending player and judge deserve the maximum punishment. In their opinion, the Serb deliberately violated the rules on the forward of the Russian national team.

On Wednesday, August 14, the RFU control and disciplinary committee will consider an episode involving Sochi defender Ivan Miladinovich and CSKA striker Fedor Chalov in the 93rd minute of the 5th round match of the Russian Premier League.

Serb in the penalty area sharply waved his elbow from the attacker who put his hands on his back. However, the chief referee of the meeting Vladimir Meshkov left the episode unattended, did not appoint a penalty and did not issue a warning to the guilty.

The inaction of the referee and the lack of comments from the judiciary caused a flurry of criticism in the media and social networks, and CSKA Director General Roman Babaev said that the number of errors made by the judge was off-scale.

However, the red-blue did not apply to the relevant authorities with an official request to review the interpretation of what happened, although they promised to do so after the match. Moreover, according to RT, the army team is not going to insist on a cruel punishment for a football player.

However, shots with a bloodied face of the top scorer of the last season in the main football department of the country did not go unnoticed. So, KDK independently took up the study of the episode and, after parsing the game moment, will issue a final verdict.

“The special jurisdiction is that the FTC is able to correct a refereeing error made during the game. The Sochi player is summoned to the trial of the episode. If it is established that he really committed a disciplinary offense, then we will pass the punishment. We do not show the cards, but if there is evidence, we can determine the disqualification. However, it’s premature to talk about the stage and possible term of punishment, ”Grigoryants explained in an interview with RT.

According to the regulations of the disciplinary committee of the RFU and the rules of the RPL, Miladinovich faces a suspension of up to three matches for such a violation, however, depending on the timing of the recovery of Chalov, who is diagnosed with a nose fracture, excommunication can be increased to four meetings.

The fact that Miladinovich following the results of the meeting of the KDK will be disqualified for at least three matches, the RFU Ethics Committee is also sure. According to his representative, Andrei Sozin, in the last minutes of the meeting, the Sochi player allowed himself an unjustified cruelty that would negatively affect the red-blue in the near future.

“Miladinovich deliberately beat his elbow in the nose. He wanted to hurt him and did it. At the same time, I’m not afraid to say that Sochi literally “killed” CSKA on the eve of the derby. I’m not sure that without an injured Chalov, the army team will be able to beat their principal rival, ”Sozin told RT.

He also emphasized that the referee of the meeting deserves even more severe punishment, leaving Chalov's serious injury unattended.

“At the time of the foul, Meshkov really looked the other way. But I have a reasonable question why he did not bother to find out what happened, at the moment when he approached the bleeding Chalov. Or ask your assistants? Vladimir pretended that nothing happened, and appointed a corner. What do you mean he did not see? And if tomorrow someone is killed on the field? I don’t know what this is connected with. I can’t say that he judged biased towards Sochi, but I don’t remember such blatant mistakes for a long time. I think we will not see Meshkov for a long time, ”added Sozin.

“I do not believe that Miladinovich did not want to beat Chalov”

Meanwhile, former footballers and referees continue to speculate on what punishment the Serb deserves.

The ex-CSKA defender Oleg Kornaukhov is sure that Miladinovich deliberately rude to Chalov and neglected all sports principles.

“A very serious blow to the head region, a serious injury. I don’t really believe that Ivan didn’t want to beat Fedor. We, too, at one time did not play volleyball and we know how to behave on the field. Of course, it was a deliberate elbow strike. There is nothing to talk about, a boorish act, no matter where it starts. He deserved disqualification, ”Kornaukhov shared his opinion.

At the same time, the specialist emphasized the complexity of the injury, which Chalov received upon impact. He noted that a broken nose would not allow the CSKA leader to take part in at least the next two rounds.

“In my career there was a similar situation, I also broke my nose - the injury is complex. Chalov will not be able to play in the near future. Not only is it physically difficult, but relapse is also likely. By the way, everyone is equal before the law. It is not so important who it is - Chalov or not, CSKA or Spartak. If a player deserves a suspension, he must bear it, ”the expert emphasized.

Commenting on the work of the judiciary under the leadership of Vladimir Meshkov, Kornaukhov admitted that he considers the episode difficult for key decisions.

“Without a doubt, this is a red card and a penalty. But from the point of view of refereeing, the moment is very difficult, since the arbiter was in a different place and could not see this. But the side and assistants had to consider and suggest. But I will not blame them. If there was a VAR, it would help CSKA restore justice, ”Kornaukhov concluded.

“The referee relaxed at the end of the match”

Former referee Vladimir Levitin is confident that the defender could have avoided direct contact with the striker, but did not do this and deserves the most stringent sanctions.

“Fedor’s injury is severe, the player hit him intentionally. It is necessary to punish to the fullest. At least three to five matches, although it is unlikely that someone will give Miladinovich more. There is a fault of two people: the player who consciously delivered such a blow and the referee who relaxed at the end of the match and missed such a moment, ”Levitin explained.

The expert is sure that the quality of refereeing corresponded to the rating of “three with a minus” even before the incident, and with it does not withstand any criticism at all. Moreover, according to the observations of Levitin, a low level of refereeing is observed throughout the league.

“I conducted a comparative analysis of referee errors in the past and current seasons according to several criteria. The results are frustrating. Refereeing is creeping down, while the level of football in the country is growing. Referees simply do not have time to improve in order to adequately serve the matches. Hence so many errors. And here the fault is not the judges but their leadership. Useless! People who cannot give the necessary knowledge and adequately prepare their corps, ”the expert explained.

Another ex-referee Vyacheslav Varyushin supported the opinion of the colleague regarding the low level of work of the entire RPL judiciary.

“It is not clear what Mr. Egorov and the whole company responsible for judges do! This does not climb into any gates. How can an arbiter not see such things? Where is the helper? The player’s blood whips, but they don’t respond. The whole team does not respond! Outrageous! I would suspend Meshkov until the end of the season. And it would be better if he simply forbade him to work, because if he was sent to judge in the FNL or PFL, then he could serve there even worse, ”the football referee said in a conversation with RT.