Teller Report

The British Government expects a motion of censure by September 9

8/12/2019, 5:10:00 PM

Downing Street already sets a date for the motion of joint censorship between the 'rebel' conservative deputies and the opposition in which it is surely the last real option for fre

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Downing Street already sets a date for the motion of joint censorship between the 'rebel' conservative deputies and the opposition in which it is surely the last real option to stop the exit without agreement. On September 9, a week after the British Parliament returns from the summer recess, it seems to be the day chosen by the opponents to try to knock down the newly formed Boris Johnson Executive.

Even the summer vacations have not succeeded in giving a truce to the new premier, who already sees how his political adversaries, both internal and external, start up the machinery to see if they have the necessary numbers to dismiss him. The motion of censure, however, and as they see it on Downing Street, not only grants a possibility of stopping the no deal, but if they eventually end up failing, they understand in the Government that this could force the European Union to reconsider the safeguard in Ireland and open to a more favorable agreement for the interests of the United Kingdom.

That is why although Johnson will coincide with several European leaders during the G-7 summit to be held in Biarritz at the end of August, everything indicates that in Brussels they will wait to see the development of events from Monday 9 of September. It will be then that Johnson, who has spoken with Trump today, meets for the first time with the president of the United States, something that also worries Brussels about the progressive rapprochement between the two countries.

" The president has expressed his gratitude for the United Kingdom's firm commitment and collaboration to address the various challenges worldwide and looks forward to meeting him personally in the near future," the White House said in a statement.

Unofficially set the date for the motion of censure, the mystery is now in knowing what the different forces that support it want to do, since if there is no consensus this could end up favoring the interests of the prime minister and his team. In the hypothetical case that the necessary support is achieved and this triumphs, Parliament would have 14 days to form a new Government before a new general election is automatically convened. This would benefit Johnson, who has already assured through his spokespersons and his principal advisor, Dominic Cummings, that he would try to delay the electoral call by all means until October 31, forcing the exit without agreement and making it useless. the effort of his adversaries.

Therefore, and considering that Phillip Hammond and Dominic Grieve manage to add enough partners to their list of 'rebel' tories, the option that has been considered is to establish a "Unity Government" to request an extension of Article 50 , but it seems that the Labor Party has made it clear that it will not support any consensus candidate such as conservative Ken Clarke or Labor Yvette Cooper, which is of a tendency contrary to Jeremy Corbyn.

Even so, there are still conservative deputies who are not so clear about the possibility of raising a motion of censure and facing possible general elections, so they prefer to explore before all possible legislative avenues. One of them is to take control of the parliamentary agenda with the help of the president of the House, John Bercow, and thus pass the necessary legislation to request a new extension for Brexit, an idea that until recently did not please to the European Union but that would now be seen as a way to save time for the country's government to change.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • UK
  • European Union
  • Jeremy Corbyn
  • U.S
  • Boris johnson
  • Brexit

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