Teller Report

NHK News for Part-time National Public Service

8/12/2019, 8:22:24 PM

From the next year, the National Personnel Authority will make it possible for full-time employees to take three days in a row, just like full-time employees.

Summer vacation for three consecutive days for part-time government officials to begin next year at 5:09 on August 13

From the next year, the National Personnel Authority will make it possible for full-time employees to take three days in a row, just like full-time employees.

According to a survey conducted by the National Personnel Authority, nearly 80% of private companies with summer vacation systems allow non-regular employees to take the same period as regular employees.

The National Personnel Authority will continue to take part-time employees for three consecutive days from next year, as will full-time employees.

If part-time employees take a rest in the summer, there is a difference in treatment from full-time employees, such as the need to use paid leave now.

The National Personnel Authority will continue to consider further improvements in the treatment of part-time employees of the national public servants, taking into account that the private companies are making progress toward reducing the gap between regular and non-regular employees.