Teller Report

Manifestation to be held in protest of rent increases in Västhaga - ÖBO: "We handle the criticism"

8/12/2019, 5:07:24 PM

On Wednesday evening, a working group consisting of tenants and the Tenants Association will gather housing in Västhaga for a joint protest against Örebrobostäder's plans to renovate the apartments in the area, which means sharp rises in rents. - It will be a form of rental eviction, says Dan Hersan, who is chairman of the Tenants' Association Örebro-Lekeberg.

All of Öbo's rental apartments in Västhaga will be renovated in the next few years, and there are a total of 375 apartments. In June, 48 of the apartment owners were told that their apartments will be renovated in February 2020, with rental rises as a result when the renovations are ready. The magazine Home and rent has reported this.

Now, the hosting company criticizes Öbo's plans.

- We will deal with this criticism and will review whether there are alternatives, says Öbo's CEO Ulf Rohlen.

He continues:

- We must go in and renovate, then we will look at if there are things that need not be done or that can be postponed to lower costs, he tells SVT Örebro.

rent increases

According to the Tenants' Association, there is a rent increase of up to 60 per cent for the residents, who may move to other apartments while renovations are underway.

- There are unreasonable rent increases that will be made after these redevelopments, which neither the tenants nor the Tenants Association accepts, says Dan Hersan to SVT.


The manifestation will be held in the park which is near the residential area. It should be a form of marking to show that the tenants and the Tenants Association stand up for the issue and do not accept the rents.

Dan Hersan has been told that some tenants have already moved because of concerns about the future, but that many also get the hope when they feel that there is a chance for them to influence.

- But then many people feel that they have not been involved at all. This affects many farms, and not all have been informed, says Dan Hersan.

Because that's not the renovation itself, the protests are about. The apartments are about 50 years old and need renovation.

- But it requires the tenants to be able to say what they want and to think about their apartments, because they know a lot about them, says Dan Hersan.

He wants Öbo to redo and do right, and involve tenants early in the process. And Öbo has given some positive response. Representatives of the tenants in Västhaga will have a meeting with Öbo's management on August 21.