Teller Report

Dentists suspect long drugs for young people

8/12/2019, 6:34:00 PM

The dentist is suspected of having prescribed large amounts of narcotic drugs to young men. Now the Inspectorate for Health and Care, Ivo, wants to revoke his authority.

Ivo, suspects that the dentist contributed to the abuse of Tramadol, a drug with partial similar effects to morphine. In three months in 2019, 75 people, mostly young men, have been able to extract nearly 10,000 strong tablets.

Pharmacy sounded alarm

The suspicions against the dentist were aroused after a pharmacy in Växjö sounded alarm regarding the dentist several prints of Tramadol to young men with urgent needs. According to the census records, the legitimate dentist must be emigrated to Italy since 2011. It is therefore unclear whether they met their patients personally.

Persons who have taken out preparations have mentioned one of the clinics that has been featured in SVT Nyheter Småland's reporting on dental cheating in Småland. But according to Ivo, the dentist has probably never been effective at that particular clinic.

The preparation should be printed with caution

According to Pharmaceutical specialties in Sweden, Tramadol is addictive and the utmost care must be taken when prescribing the drug. Ivo now appeals to the Health Board's responsibility committee to revoke the dentist's authority to prescribe narcotic drugs.