Teller Report

Denise Richards discovers a health problem thanks to her fans

8/12/2019, 5:52:24 PM

American actress Denise Richards has discovered she has a thyroid problem because her fans alerted her to a suspicious lump in her neck. The star d


A frame from the episode where the actress's neck caught the attention of her followers.

American actress Denise Richards has discovered she has a thyroid problem because her fans alerted her to a suspicious lump in her neck .

The star of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills has recognized in a post that he was not aware that he was suffering from this disease until his followers sent him messages through his social networks: "Some of you told me that my thyroid seemed to be more bulky than normal. And you were right, it was something I had been ignoring until then . "

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Actress fans noticed this suspicious bulge during one of the episodes of season nine of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills show . An enlarged thyroid can cause cough, trouble swallowing and breathing . The most common cause is the lack of iodine in the body.

The most common cause of thyroid enlargement (goiter) is usually a lack of iodine in the diet, although if iodized salt is consumed in the diet, goitre is usually due to other causes, such as excessive or insufficient production of thyroid hormones or nodules that appear in the gland. Your treatment will depend on the size of the goiter, the symptoms and the cause and you can go from surgery and drugs to any treatment in cases of small goitre and that do not cause problems.

However, it seems that the actress has opted for a somewhat sui generis remedy, of which there is no clear scientific evidence, adding to the fashion of the gluten-free diet, which already triumphs among other celebrities. As he said in his post , as soon as he changed his diet he began to perceive results in his health: "It is surprising how my thyroid has changed shortly after eliminating gluten from my diet. I had no idea how much our diet can really affect our body and how toxic gluten is ... I thank everyone who sent me messages. #selfcare ". Experts advise eliminating gluten from the diet only under medical advice.

Denise has also revealed that she is following a strict diet to lose "a few kilos." However, he has admitted that from time to time he gives his tastes and breaks his strict eating plan. To prove it to her followers, she has uploaded a video of her husband, Aaron Phypers, buying an ice cream and explains that "although I am on a diet without dairy, gluten, alcohol, sugar, beef, my husband buys me ice cream #haagendazs in the fuel station".

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