Teller Report

Attack on rue des Rosiers: Crif calls for a parliamentary inquiry

8/12/2019, 7:46:00 PM

A former French intelligence chief who allegedly made a deal with the Palestinian group that killed six people and wounded 22 in 1982.

A former French intelligence chief who allegedly made a deal with the Palestinian group that killed six people and wounded 22 in 1982.

The Crif claimed Monday a parliamentary commission of inquiry after statements by a former head of French intelligence that would have entered into a deal with the Palestinian group that perpetrated the attack on rue des Rosiers in 1982 in Paris. Six people were killed and 22 wounded during the attack in the historic Jewish quarter of the capital on 9 August 1982.

>> READ ALSO - Attack on rue des Rosiers: what happened on August 9, 1982?

Boss of the Directorate of Territorial Surveillance (DST) between November 1982 and 1985, Yves Bonnet had been questioned on January 30 by the investigating judge in charge of the investigation, AFP learned Friday sources close to the case.

The Crif fears "facts of extreme gravity"

According to Le Parisien , he then reaffirmed having established an "unwritten market" with the Palestinian terrorist group Abu Nidal, guaranteeing the absence of lawsuits in France in exchange for their commitment to no longer commit attacks.

For Francis Kalifat, president of the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions in France (CRIF), "if these facts prove accurate, they would be extremely serious and constitute an unprecedented state scandal," according to a statement to the AFP. Francis Kalifat calls for "the establishment of a parliamentary commission of inquiry and the lifting of the defense secret".

Yves Bonnet, 83, had already revealed in a documentary broadcast in November on France 2 to have sent his men to negotiate with emissaries of Abu Nidal, leader of the group Fatah-Revolutionary Council (Fatah-CR), a dissident faction of the PLO to which the attack was attributed.

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