Teller Report

1,000 places are missing from Swedish institutions and detention centers

8/12/2019, 5:16:19 PM

The situation is, to say the least, strained within the prison service. Coatings on establishments and detention make it difficult for both staff and prisoners. The Prison Service needs 800 more detention centers and a few hundred new detention centers. Justice Minister Morgan Johansson reveals to SVT News that the Prison and Probation Service will receive increased funding in the autumn budget.

As the trend looks, there are also no signs that fewer will be in prison for years to come. According to the Prison and Probation Service's estimate, 800 trial sites and a few hundred detention places are needed.

"Creates worse conditions"

Hanna Jarls is an attorney and detention director at the Prison Service confirms the stressed situation.

- What is important to us is that the high occupancy that prevails in our Swedish institutions creates worse conditions for creating good care and relapse prevention work, says Hanna Jarl to SVT News.

Today, there are 1959 detainees and 4371 persons in detention. This is due to several causes such as more crimes leading to prison, and penalties.

Although the Prison and Probation Service received increased appropriations in the spring budget, they are reduced by deficits. Now they are trying to cut costs.

"Not anyone's fault"

- At an institution, we double-occupy clients in one and the same living room. In the custody business, it is much more difficult to take care of clients because they have to sit in separate rooms (so as not to complicate ongoing investigation). Instead, we can use common areas and meeting rooms, says Hanna Jarl.

According to Hanna Jarl, it is not the Prison Service's fault that there has been a shortage of places.

- It's not a matter of anyone's fault. It is difficult to plan for the number of places because we have to do calculations about 15-25 years ahead. The high level of coverage we have now is the result of new criminalization of crimes and penalties. We have old worn-out premises that need to be refurbished and we need a faster and more effective legal chain. There will always be changes over time. At the same time, we must be responsible for the state's money and terminate places when we have surplus places for some years, says Hanna Jarl.

Suggest foot buoy

Several proposals have been made in the public debate. Among other things, for example, renting a facility in other countries and that more and more foreign criminals could serve their sentence in their home countries. In the Prison Service, it is referred to the politicians to make these decisions.

In order to ease the stressful situation, the Prison and Probation Service now proposes that more people should be able to serve their sentence with footcuffs.

- We have sent a petition to the Ministry of Justice where we propose that the convicted be able to serve sentences with footcuffs. Sentences of up to one year in prison, compared to today's six months. We would also like to change the legislation so that we will have a greater influence in who will have the opportunity to serve his sentence with a footcuff, says Hanna Jarl to SVT News.

The government promises more money to the Prison and Probation Service

The government is aware of the problems within the Prison Service. When SVT meets Justice Minister Morgan Johansson (S), he reveals that they will receive increased funding in the autumn budget.

- This is a matter that is a priority for all the parties included in the January agreement. I do not want to go ahead with the events but you will see when the budget for the fall comes. But being able to cover up and strengthen the prison services in the coming years is very important to us, says Morgan Johansson to SVT News

Can you name some sums?

- No, not today, but it is about both strengthening the personnel side and also planning for the future, says Morgan Johansson.