Teller Report

The Ministry of Natural Resources advocated an increase in the number of forest inspectors

8/10/2019, 9:22:00 PM

In Russia, the number of forestries and forest inspectors should be increased to strengthen forest control. This opinion was expressed by the head of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia Dmitry Kobylkin during a meeting with participants of the Mashuk North Caucasus Youth Forum.

“If in the Soviet Union there were 85 thousand forest inspectors, then today there are 23 thousand of them. The number of inspectors needs to be“ dispersed ”, you need to make equipment so that at least these fires can be put out, and not see them from space when they it’s already two kilometers, ”TASS quoted him.

According to the minister, problems in forests often arise due to neglect of territories.

“Until the owner is in the forest, we will constantly have problems with black loggers, arson, uncontrolled forests,” Kobylkin explained.

Earlier, Gazeta.Ru, citing Rosleskhoz, reported that in 2018 the damage from the activities of “black loggers” in Russia grew to 11.6 billion rubles. In 2017, this indicator amounted to 11.5 billion rubles.