Teller Report

The Ministry of Communications talked about the possible pace of 5G development in Russia

8/10/2019, 3:09:59 PM

Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Telecommunications and Mass Media of Russia, Alexei Volin, believes that the development of fifth-generation (5G) communications technology in the country should not be expected, as domestic mobile operators have not yet recaptured their 3G and 4G costs.

This is reported by RIA Novosti.

“I personally believe that today the rapid growth of 5G technology will not occur ... Today, our mobile operators have recaptured their capital costs of only 2G. Both 3G and 4G have not beaten off yet, ”Volin said.

He believes that if operators begin to implement 5G, this will entail new investment costs for them.

Earlier, Tele2 and Ericsson launched the first fifth-generation (5G) pilot communication zone in Russia on Tverskaya Street in Moscow.