Teller Report

Russia: opposition mobilizes nearly 50,000 people in Moscow

8/10/2019, 10:55:00 PM

In Russia, nearly 50,000 people gathered on Saturday on Sakharov Avenue in central Moscow. This event is one of the important since the return of Vladimir Putin to the Kremlin in 2012.

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Protesters in Moscow denounce the sidelining of independent candidates in local elections next September. August 10, 2019 REUTERS / Maxim Shemetov

In Russia, nearly 50,000 people gathered on Saturday on Sakharov Avenue in central Moscow. This event is one of the important since the return of Vladimir Putin to the Kremlin in 2012.

From our correspondent in Moscow , Étienne Bouche

For the fourth consecutive Saturday of mobilization in the capital, it was for participants to denounce the sidelining of independent candidates in the local elections in September. The rally had been authorized by the municipality and its affluence increased sensitivity in comparison with the rally on July 20, also authorized (20,000 people). A success for the opposition that managed to mobilize despite increased pressure from the government.

Organized in the middle of August and despite an uncomfortable weather, Saturday's rally has given the opposition a new lease of life. In the crowd, Ruslan brandishes a Russian flag. He protests against the attitude of power. " First of all, people were removed from the polls, which removed voters' right to choose. Then, when people took to the streets to go to power, they were kicked into police vans and hit. But they continued to mobilize and were forbidden to move around the city. I was born in Moscow and when I go to the city center to demand accountability every time I have to flee the truncheons. It seems to me that this is not normal . "

I would like to live with my children in a free country

Rouslan, demonstrating opposition 10/08/2019 Listen

Weight reinforcements

During the previous mobilizations, the arrests were violent and massive, which revolted Mikhail, student of 21 years. " It is hoped that the government will hear us and take into consideration the demands of the opposition. It would be, at a minimum, to abandon all these absurd lawsuits. Students find themselves threatened with three or even five years of imprisonment when they have done absolutely nothing . "

If its main leaders are currently serving short prison sentences, the movement has found in recent days two major supporters: rapper Oxxxymiron and Youtubeur Yuri Doud , two personalities to the colossal audience on the internet.

It should be noted that around 150 people were arrested by the police after the rally. Meetings were also held in other Russian cities. According to the NGO OVD-Info, 86 people were arrested in St. Petersburg.

The Russian police in its heyday (episode 4)

Paul Gogo (@Paugog) August 10, 2019