Teller Report

Political picking

8/10/2019, 12:43:15 AM

The worst of some of our politicians is not incompetence, it is the recoil. I have before me the notification that the Head of the Population Register of Inhabitants of my city ends

The worst of some of our politicians is not incompetence, it is the recoil . I have before me the notification that the Head of the Population Register of Inhabitants of my city has just sent to my mailbox, addressed to another person. It does not come to explain details. I admit that I have read the letter many times, many. Almost obsessively. Because at first reading it seemed to me that I put everything so clearly that my instinct made me distrustful. It must be that I don't understand, I supposed. There will be small print, hidden messages, encrypted formulas with which the PP address is more familiar than me . But as much as I reread the note, I didn't find the treasure. First, reference is made to I don't know how many laws - yes, I quote laws, what parliamentarians do when Congress and the Senate work, which is almost never - and then warns: "Every person living in Spain is obliged to register Register of the municipality in which he usually resides . Those who live in several municipalities must only register in the one that lives for the longest time of the year. "

Tate, it will be that the asterisk is somewhere. And this one will send you to a call at the bottom of the page that will clarify that politicians are excluded from this last requirement. Because of his position or his pretty face. But nothing. Not even looking inside the envelope I found the blissful asterisk.

Those of the EGB generation may be somewhat donkeys. But neither should Javier Maroto treat us as asses. The nothing less than a new spokesman for the PP in the Senate has just registered in a small Segovian municipality where he apparently had not set foot in his life, in exchange for a position of senator for the jeta , which among other things It is a flagrant breach of several laws that all Spaniards must assume because this is what the honorable Members have decided, that breed to which Maroto belongs.

And nothing happens here. The folly of the popular is such that they do not try to invent a false biography for the aforementioned to see if it sneaks. They limit themselves to the weary and you more , claiming that before the flood the one who was Vice President De la Vega did not know what. And to me who tells me, I have to comply with the standard! Well, having denounced the sociata in the Strasbourg Court, I know. I would sign the same column addressed to the lady. But the one who is taking us for fools now is Maroto . This recollection of politicians who believe themselves above the law and who think that exemplarity is a word that only affects the King should pass a bill.

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  • Senate
  • PP
  • Javier Maroto
  • Spain
  • Columnists

Dead or alive Communicate that, as of today, the PP is no longer fascist

Tribune Agreement

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