Teller Report

Man - Red Underpants

8/10/2019, 9:45:53 AM

“If it’s not even just the witnesses, but the participants in the detentions who broadcast (or skillfully shove), that all responsibility always lies with the scapegoats (namely, the organizers), then maybe sooner or later it will reach the others. As well as some of the former volunteers and staff of Navalny’s headquarters, it dawned that they were simply used. ”

Among my acquaintances, Sergei Fomin (the man who roused the crowd at an unauthorized rally on the 27th) is known as “a man in red shorts who was hiding behind a child like a human shield”.

A completely eloquent and absolutely accurate description of the definition, after which, in principle, anyone who follows the news will understand who they are talking about. But only Fomin himself says that this is all untrue, and we all, apparently, suffer from collective insanity.

It all seemed to us that he was hiding behind a child. And indeed, according to Fomin, he did not know how to behave at an illegal rally, he was not warned about this and all responsibility, again in his opinion, rests personally with Navalny and Sable. It was they, as organizers who, moreover, had long been “in business”, should have taken on the enlightenment of such ignorant people. No one told Fomin that it was impossible to coordinate the crowd, otherwise you might be considered the "protest coordinator". Thank God, we still live in a civilized society, where ignorance does not exempt from responsibility.

What a "burdock"! He didn’t need any advice with a small child of a “cousin” walking around the illegal rally, among the throwing trash and pieces of asphalt from the crowd, and here “it would be nice if he had been warned.”

Excuse me, do you forget your head at home? Or is help needed with this too?

As for me, this is some kind of total absence of the instinct of self-preservation, off-scale infantilism and immaturity or outright lies. Okay, you don't give a shit about your life, but what about the safety of the child? Not “he is my cousin’s nephew, I have the right to wear him”, but “he’s my cousin’s nephew, I must take responsibility for his calmness and health and should reason my parents if they are not in themselves.” This child should not have been on the action at all. And if Sergei Fomin tries to lie, takes responsibility off himself (for example, on the advice of lawyers) and defends himself with this ignorance, then those supporters who refuse the ideology with the first call are worthless.

You, you personally, Man are red cowards, and not someone else pumped up a crowd with chants and jumped like mad. You saw that people start up, and this could not end quietly and peacefully - the protesters, pumped up with adrenaline, need to make noise and splash out emotions ... Actually, it’s good that it ended at least like that - without crippled babies.

But another thing is also interesting. If it’s not even just the witnesses, but the participants in the detentions who broadcast (or skillfully shove), that all responsibility always and only lies on the scapegoats (namely, the organizers), then maybe sooner or later it will reach the others. As well as some of the former volunteers and staff of Navalny’s headquarters, it dawned that they were simply used. It is beneficial for the so-called opposition leaders not to substitute themselves, but to use ideological and as yet unsuspecting dudes, to provoke them, to promise a beautiful bright future in a beautiful new Russia. Landing and criminal cases are also beneficial to yell at what the bloody regime is. And our friends from across the ocean are pleased to tell drooling how Moscow allegedly chokes in protests.

“You must do everything to rescue all persons involved in the July 27 riots. This is your main task now, not the election, ”says Fomin. Haha, how he will be disappointed when he is piled on, having received requests for crowdfunding money to help those who have sat down, stupidly merge, as has already happened more than once. But in fairness, I note that the election was never the goal of either Navalny, nor Sable, nor the rest of their minions.

You, gentlemen, collective ignorant Fomins, should be well already and pleased that you are part of this crazy process, you are cogs, pawns, sixes. And for those who really steers the process, your delusion is still profitable.

The author’s point of view may not coincide with the position of the publisher.