Teller Report

Uncle Agucards

8/9/2019, 12:10:01 AM

On account of a visit to Rota, the Neanderthal shadow of cantaor Manuel Agujeta appeared in the memory of the night. They say he was born there, although he also doubted. We talked ent

On account of a visit to Rota, the Neanderthal shadow of cantaor Manuel Agujeta appeared in the memory of the night. They say he was born there, although he also doubted. We talked among friends about the impudity of national politics. Of the embezzlement that involves forcing new elections . Of the rampant idiocy to pretend that there are no drinking pacts. Of so much casposa politics that orbits around stick holders. Then someone remembered Manuel Agu Cards and his tonnage of extravagances. He was the wildest of the singers of the late twentieth century . The most unexpected. The most out of place. A flamenco of irremediable purity that interpreted fandangos with the strength of the one that lodges the lungs of an ox. He died a few years ago with the gold-plated denture. A flaming madness with which when he smiled he hung he sells himself on the balconies of hell.

Of Agucards there are legends in all directions. Even I accumulate two or three memorable moments of a day together in Venta El Menuito, Chipiona road. He never learned to read or write. ("To sing flamenco is not necessary. In addition, the one who knows how to read and write loses the pronunciation "). It was a machine to launch verbal challenges to the atmosphere. With several relatives (there is no record of how many) he built a two-storey house without foundations, "because the Shale are worth pa'rriba, not pa'bajo." Although the delirium record of the saga (and it is already difficult) one of the brothers beat it. A human phenotype of a sidereal shyness that had the unfortunate gift of throwing candy by mouth playing fandangos. That reef should exploit it, but it was not possible to make that man sing if he detected an unknown face among the audience. The solution was found by another brother one of those days when it was very beautiful not to think or want: it was enough to install it in the tablao inside a refrigerator box, with a hole at the height of the mouth and deprived of vision, like horses of the choppers. The staging was memorable: two gypsies guiding a box of Zanussi to the center of the stage and inside an unbeatable voice brought from it is unknown what hole of the soul. Neither saluted nor granted bises . The most shy man in the world suffered terrible punishment of becoming a cult singer . It is lavish. Of the Agujeta, only Manuel keeps the living flamenco trail already dead. It still sounds overwhelming. But on behalf of his brother, I wonder how many citizens listen to Carraca politicians this summer with the encouragement inside a cardboard box. And not because of shyness, but because of pure embarrassment.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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