Teller Report

Heavily drunk truck driver stopped at E4 and slept

8/9/2019, 7:04:08 PM

A Polish truck driver was so drunk that he stopped the tanker on the highway to sleep. Now, the man at Jönköping District Court is being prosecuted for gross drunkenness.

It was on the evening of July 29 that the heavy tanker containing dangerous goods suddenly stopped on the high-traffic highway. The man was heavily intoxicated and stopped to sleep. When the police arrived at the scene, at E4 in Värnamo municipality, the truck driver had 2.47 per liter of alcohol in his blood. The limit for coarse drunk driving is 1.0 per thousand.

"The driving also posed a real danger to road safety," says the lawsuit filed by the Prosecutor to Jönköping District Court.

The man has been remanded in custody since August 1, and he has, in interrogation, admitted that he was driving grossly intoxicated.


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