Teller Report

“Everyone saw the beauty of her body, but she also had a beautiful soul”: 50 years since the death of Sharon Tate

8/9/2019, 11:25:02 AM

On the night of August 9, 1969, members of the Charles Manson sect, Family, killed several people, including the Hollywood actress, the wife of director Roman Polanski, Sharon Tate, who was eight months pregnant. During her short career, Tate managed to star in 12 films, including “Agents A.N.K.L.” “Do not Drive the Wave” and “Valley of the Dolls”. Her filming partners included Tony Curtis and Dean Martin. Polanski directed Tate in his first color film, The Vampire Ball, and soon proposed to her. The actress's family happiness did not last long, and her career ended at the peak. Sharon Tate passed away at the age of 26 and was buried with her unborn son, Paul Richard Polansky.