Teller Report

The Afrobeat star challenging Uganda's president

8/8/2019, 5:42:48 PM

Artist and Member Bobi Wine is Uganda's most outspoken critic of President Yoweri Museveni. Now he is taking up the fight for the presidential post.

Bobi Wine is touring Europe to perform with his music and at the same time is giving interviews about the political situation in his home country.

- My music has been banned from radio and television channels in Uganda, I have been banned from participating in public contexts, he says.

Most remember only one president

37-year-old Bobi Wine, or Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu he is really named, uses his music to unite Uganda's young population against President Museveni, who has been in power since 1986.

- 80 percent of the population has never lived under any other president. So many have been disconnected from politics for a long time, they don't care about the board or voting. My role is to open people's eyes, and for the first time it happens. Through the music, says Bobi Wine.

Last year, he became a world news after his car was shot down and he was arrested for allegedly possessing weapons, and then must have been tortured by soldiers. The torture was denied by the Ugandan government but it was confirmed that he had been beaten. He was arrested again in April this year for his involvement in a demonstration against the country's social media tax of 200 shillings - equivalent to about 50 cents a day - which he believes has been created to control the population.

- Ugandans who want to use, for example, Twitter, Facebook or Whatsapp have to pay a tax, because social media is the main way to make themselves heard.

Ready to fight to run

Bobi Wine does not belong to any party but is a member of the Government of Uganda. And he plans to run for office in the next presidential election - if no one manages to stop him.

- They try everything, that's why they have accused me of treason and other things. And the ruling party has had plans to raise the minimum age for presidential candidates to 45 years. But despite all that, we know that we will give Museveni a challenge - and as the law looks, I have the right to run, he says.