Teller Report

The anguish of the autonomous in Andalusia: six municipalities take more than 100 days to pay

8/7/2019, 12:11:28 AM

In Spain there are seven municipalities that present an average payment period (PMP) to suppliers of more than 100 days, and six of them are in Andalusia. This means that the signals

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In Spain there are seven municipalities that present an average payment period (PMP) to suppliers of more than 100 days, and six of them are in Andalusia . This means that the aforementioned consistories take more than three times the maximum legal term [30 days] to settle their accounts with the freelancers who offer them a service, with the consequent financial stress that they suppose.

According to a report prepared by the National Federation of Associations of Autonomous Workers (ATA), the most spectacular case is that of Jaén , which has an average period of 532 days. Almost a year and a half. Given the excessive amount, the new government team of the city council - formed by PSOE and Citizens after two legislatures of the PP - said yesterday that it works to reduce these deadlines " totally unacceptable ."

Jerez de la Frontera, meanwhile, accumulates a 320-day wait, and in Granada, freelancers and small businesses do not charge until 207 days have passed. Algeciras , with 126 days, El Puerto de Santa María , with 117, and Vélez-Málaga (115) complete the six great Andalusian town halls with more than 100 days of average period. To all of them the Madrid municipality of Parla is added, with a delay of 201 days. In addition, other Andalusian populations such as Mijas, Huelva, Fuengirola, Córdoba or Chiclana de la Frontera exceed the maximum period of 30 days, while in the legal period there are hardly any Almeria, Marbella and Roquetas de Mar.

However, and although they are the maximum exponents, this situation of late payment is not limited to Andalusian municipalities. The Local Administration, "which is what most freelancers work for," as ATA explains, has an average payment period of 65 days nationwide. Likewise, the data for the first semester show that the Regional Administration has a 35-day PMP, while in the Central the figure amounts to 37 days. Or in other words: that all areas of the Administration fail to comply with the maximum term imposed by the law.

The work also reflects the situation by communities, at which point it is found that Cantabria is the region that later pays, with a delay of 56 days. Comunidad Valenciana and Islas Baleares have a PMP of 51 and 45 days respectively, while Galicia and, unlike the one that occurs with the municipalities, Andalusia is the one that pays the least time.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Andalusia
  • Jaen
  • Autonomous
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